Wordpress Webflow

Webflow is miles ahead of Wordpress. Scroll down to find out why...
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Wordpress Is Slow

Wordpress is notoriously slow because developers often use tons of plugins to cut corners and get the job done. Theme builders, (like elementor), widgets and shortcodes often add to the slowness.

With Webflow, everything is clean code, with no plugins. Meaning faster load speeds and performance
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Wordpress Ain't
At All Secure

Wordpress uses a database, and all the plugins you use adds more security vulnerabilities to your site. Without frequently updating plugins, themes or servers you are constantly open to hackers, malware and other nasties.

Wordpress Will
Hold You Back

Why should you be paying your web developer to constantly be fixing broken plugins, security issues and using every caching plugin under the sun to speed up your site?

With Webflow, we can focus on what's important - that is making your site (and business) better!
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How does WordPress impact site speed?

WordPress sites, particularly those with numerous plugins, often suffer from slower load times. In contrast, Webflow's streamlined architecture and minimal reliance on plugins ensure faster site speed.

Can updates affect the performance of a WordPress site?

Yes, WordPress requires frequent updates that can disrupt site functionality and performance. Webflow manages updates behind the scenes, ensuring uninterrupted high performance.

How does Webflow enhance site security compared to WordPress?

Webflow has robust, built-in security measures, including automatic SSL certificates and constant monitoring for threats. Conversely, WordPress hosting will be your responsibility to take backups, maintain and keep live

Is Webflow more scalable than WordPress?

Yes, Webflow's cloud-based platform allows for easy scalability as your business grows. WordPress, however, can become more complex and slower as your site grows, affecting its scalability.

How does the build quality of Webflow compare to WordPress?

Webflow's visual design interface allows for precise control over every aspect of your site, meaning we can literally build anything. With WordPress, you're often limited to the constraints of chosen themes or need coding expertise for customizations.

Does Webflow provide better SEO tools than WordPress?

Webflow offers built-in SEO tools, including automatic sitemaps and clean, crawlable code. WordPress requires additional plugins for comprehensive SEO, which can slow down your site.

Does Webflow offer better mobile responsiveness than WordPress?

Webflow's design tools allow for precise control over the look and functionality of your site on all devices. WordPress sites often require additional plugins for full mobile optimization.


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